Friday, May 09, 2008

Power, Love, Sound Mind

"Gone are the days of timidity. From this day forward you will walk in boldness."
- Lynda Meyers speaking over me this morning

God has not given us a spirit of fear. God has not given us a spirit of fear. But He has given unto us a spirit of power, a spirit of love, and of sound mind.

Power, Love, Sound Mind is MINE.

Fierceness return. This is my spirit-cry. My El-Shaddai.

He completes my walk, makes me pure, beautiful, glorious.

Thank you Father, for this season. You've grown me so much. It's not over yet. But I choose this day to end the madness. The lies of the enemy will permeate my mind no longer. He has been defeated. Christ's love well up in me. Thank you for giving me vision. God, you are good.

Lord, give me a new understanding of your supremity. Your arm is so far-reaching. Beyond time and space. You are motion unveiled. Freedom ignited. Falsity expelled.

God, I let go of my pride, my need to get things done, my need for approval. I lay these things down and accept into my heart the words you speak over me.

You call me as your own. Your bride. Your beautiful one. I have been called to free the prisoners, cry into the darkness and call forth those who are not yet as though they are. Open my eyes and ears father.

Love you,
- Jess <><


Emancipation of the Freed said...

it IS for FREEDOM that Christ HAS set you FREE! Do not my friend, DO NOT submit again to a yoke of slavery!

He lives in you and it shows.

You CAN do ALL things in Christ, even if you don't feel it...

You ARE an exporter of freedom, every where you go and to everyone you meet.

He believes in you and so do I...

Anonymous said...

You are motion unveiled. Freedom ignited. Falsity expelled.


Anonymous said...

I love you.

How did "All My Defenses" go? I found myself singing the chorus this morning, such beautiful words from a beautiful heart... never stop singing my friend :)

Unknown said...

You are... ama-za-za-za-zing!!

(Love you too!)