Thursday, July 23, 2009

Music, Sound, Technology

I am absolutely beside myself with hope for the future. LOL.

I am realizing that I am creatively bent to the extreme. I'm getting excited about really finding what it is I want to do with my life.

I'm beginning to embrace who I am. For the longest time, I assumed that I was very linear in nature. But when it really comes down to it, I am a musician and artist and math/science is just a means to an end. Yes, math is beautiful, but what I'm really passionate about is music and people. =)

I LOVE learning about math, physics, sound and technology and how it's all inter-connected with music. It just makes me absolutely GIDDY! I found the MUSIC section in my school library that has many fascinating titles, but one caught my eye particularly - "Music, Sound, Technology" by John M. Eargle.

I do still want to teach math because I want to give people a good foundation to build upon when they pursue the things God has created them for. Math is critically important in helping to understand the world around us and is needed for almost everything someone pursues.

So I'm studying on my own... what a concept! Learning about music, sound, technology... and alongside that, exploring worship and writing songs. Jesus, you are just AMAZING. I don't understand how people can do life without you. I know I couldn't. I love you.

Thank you Jesus for the creative EXPLOSION that's happening in the world. Lord I pray that you would guide those that follow you to magnify you in the most effective and crazy way possible.

Lord, I praise you for all you're doing, I love being part of this time.

Yours forever,
- Jessica

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