Friday, January 04, 2008

Input and Output

Through this time of fasting and praying, I've been recognizing this mandate to only put into my eyes, mouth, spirit, mind what is pure and good. What I put into my system is crucial. It's like worshiping the Father.

We honor him by not only what comes out of our person but what goes into it.

I sincerely believe that our bodies, souls, spirits are intrinsically linked - that every single thing we put in through our physical senses, emotional senses, and spiritual senses have a profound effect on the other parts too.

I have a friend who, when she enters into a dark spiritual atmosphere, her stomach hurts and she feels sick. Now, how could this transfer - from spiritual reality to physical reality - take place if the mind, body, and spirit were not wholly connected with the others?

Jesus commands us to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." - Mark 12:30

I'm realizing that we, as Christians, are an example for those around us. I've been convicted lately of what other people see in me. I want them them to see the beauty in me... the God in me. As a Jesus-representative, I want to eliminate those things in me that cloud over people's perception of who Christ is. I want to be a clear reflection of His Majesty and Love. He's so good, and so big, and I don't want to get in the way. I want to cooperate with Heaven. In all things.

1 Thessalonians 5:23
May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I love you Daddy, and I choose to honor you by only putting into my system things that will bless you and then allow me to function as your extension on the earth.

Thanks God for the revelation,
- Jess <><


Unknown said...

Garbage in, garbage out.

Grace in, love out?

You're beautiful, and so is your body, soul, and spirit.

Mucho, mucho love-o. (But no hot-dog-o)


Emancipation of the Freed said...

I love your passion, it gives me hope for the future of the church!


Nadine said...

Such wisdom from one so young in age, but old in spirit. Your passion for Christ comes out and shines.

Dianna said...

Purity is a reoccurring theme on this fast. It is amazing to me how many of the people I talk with have set aside the same things. God is repeating Himself, calling our attention. Be strong and courageous!