Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I am learning the value of completely relying on Jesus, and on His sacrifice.

I am learning the truth of "I can do nothing to earn or un-earn His love."

I am blossoming from my cocoon into the butterfly I am meant to be. It is messy and birth-like.

Thank you Jason Thompson for speaking on Sunday... you really spoke words from God's heart that I needed to hear.

Thank you Dawn for speaking truth.

Thanks Mom for confirming the butterfly thing.

Thanks God for bringing me through this time, as hard as it's been. I trust you.

- Jess <><

1 comment:

Nadine said...

It's always a good thing when we recognize the change God is bringing us through. It goes so much easier on us. I've felt the same.

You my dear will be the most beautiful butterfly.